John A McGill American Legion Auxiliary Unit 70 in LaGrange encourages patriotism and Americanism through the Poppy Program. This program encourages everyone to wear a poppy in remembrance of America’s military Veterans. To help spread awareness, students are invited to participate in the Poppy Poster Program. Students attend classes (usually after school) to learn about the significance of the poppy and how to design a poster which advertises the importance of the red crepe paper flower. Participants learn art and advertising techniques and messaging along with American history and respecting those who died defending our country.
The poppy poster contest is open to students in grade 2-12. Students’ posters compete against posters from local all the way to national level. LaGrange has had many winners over the years, including Joshua Clayton whose poster won at National. The class is free. For information, please contact Cheryl Grandstaff, 307-575-2424.